Paul R. Smith Middle School Schedule Request

Paul R. Smith Middle School Schedule Request

Directions: Submit this form to the Student Services Office to communicate a schedule concern or request. Please carefully review the schedule change policies below prior to filling out this form.

Schedules can only be changed for the following reasons:

1. Student has a class on their schedule for which they have already earned a credit (high school level courses)

2. Student is scheduled into a course that has a prerequisite course that has not yet been completed

3. Student is an 8th grader and missing a required credit to promote to high school

4. Student has less than 6 courses on their schedule

5. Student has a duplicate course on their schedule

6. Student is missing a core content course in Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, or Mathematics

7. Student is enrolled in Cambridge and is missing a Cambridge course on their schedule

If your student wishes to change their elective course, please understand that middle school is the perfect opportunity for students to explore all elective avenues prior to entering high school. These courses are very full based off the student course selections from February. We will review any of these requests and see if it is possible but elective course changes are not guaranteed.