IMPORTANT STORM INFORMATION! Schools will be open on Wednesday, September 25, but all activities and events are canceled except for before-and-after-school PLACE/ASEP programs. District Offices and Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday, September 26, AND FRIDAY, September 27, including after school programs, ASEP, and PLACE. We encourage families and employees to take the necessary precautions based on their specific circumstances and recognize that individuals may need to make their own choices regarding safety and preparedness. More information is available on our WEATHER page.

The Pasco County School District is participating in a full-scale K-12 adoption of Science instructional materials aligned to the Florida’s State Academic Standards for Science. We would like to invite you to be part of the narrowing team, which serves to review and narrow the materials submitted by publishers during the adoption process. To submit your interest for an opportunity to serve on the narrowing team, please complete this form. There is an 8-10 evening commitment for this work. A detailed list of courses to be reviewed, dates, and times of narrowing team commitments are available on the instructional materials adoption website. The deadline to submit your interest is September 20, 2024. Parents/guardians selected through the randomized screening process will be notified by October 7 via email. We appreciate your partnership in this very important work.