Paul R. Smith Middle School
1410 Sweetbriar Drive • Holiday, FL 34691 • Phone: (727) 246-3200 • Fax: (727) 246-3291

Be Brave: SOAR to New Heights
Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.

Congratulations to Mr. Di Vincent – PCS Principal of the Year

Calling Eagle Student Leaders!
To apply to the SGA, students may click here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=aaJT4khSVE6bZ7duOoYiIGVnzG2nSgFKlmE0CFnlwhJUMTM3OTdMRU5QNVpIRkE5SUpWNzVPRUQ4MS4u

Virtual Fright Fest
Visit your child's myLearning "Fright Fest" course for frightfully fun videos and activities for the entire family. Activities take place between October 28 to October 31.

Picture Day – Make up’s Nov. 4
Make up day will be on November 4. Fall makeup preorder link: https://vando.imagequix.com/g1000806110 MySchool Online families may register for an after school appointment using this link: HERE